I offer therapy both online and in person, in London, and in Bedford. The therapy I offer is a mix of Psychosynthesis (transpersonal) therapy and Compassionate Inquiry, an approach developed by the leading developmental trauma expert Dr Gabor Mate. My goal is to provide a space where you are able to reconnect to yourself, reconnect to your truth and begin listening to your self, your needs and your body. Living a life of vibrancy and connection is a birthright.
How therapy can help
Therapy takes courage, and at some point in our life we may need to seek support. Working together we will,
Learn how to (Re) connect with your body
Begin to understand and identify how your history is still impacting your daily beliefs and mindsets, as well as the limitations this brings you
Begin to (Re) connect to your authentic Self
Build self compassion
Learn to process unintegrated trauma in your body
Break out of habitual patterns that no longer serve you
Begin connecting to purpose and meaning for your life
What is psychosynthesis?
Psychosynthesis was developed by the Italian Psychiatrist Roberto Assagioli, in 1911. Viewing traditional therapeutic approaches as limiting and regressive, Assagioli developed a psychology with the whole human in mind. Recognising that we are not victims of our childhood experiences, but in fact have potential for self transformation and healing innate within us. Psychosynthesis makes it possible to connect to ourselves more deeply, in an embodied way, helping us align to ourselves once more, and focus back on potential as oppose to pathology.
To find out more, please visit the link below to view a short video series from the Institute of Psychosynthesis.
For more informational on the compassionate inquiry approach please see links below.
The next steps..
I offer a free 15 minute consultation session via zoom where we are able to explore more how therapy can support you at this stage of your life, and what you are looking for. Please contact me via email to schedule this.